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Book: EMG: What We Measure and What it Means
Book Overview
Book Overview:
Dr. Ferrante, in this textbook, conveys the principles and concepts necessary for the optimal performance and interpretation of EDX studies. Neuromuscular anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, electronics, EMG instrumentation and electrical safety are covered in the first section of the book. The next series of chapters cover what we measure, what the measurements mean, and how various neuromuscular disorders affect these measurements. The third section shows how the information contained in the first two sections is applied clinically, including chapters addressing the assessment of lesion severity, prognostication, the expected EDX manifestations of lesions at various levels of the nervous system, and a series of EMG cases illustrating his approach to lesion localization and characterization, with a focus on brachial plexopathies. The appendices contain neuromuscular information pertinent to the EDX consultation. 239 pages.

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Availability: In Stock
Cost: Member: $25.00
Non-Member: $40.00
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