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Interactive Product: Rapid EMG Waveform Tester

Needle electromyography relies on the ability to accurately analyze various EMG signals.  The skills of needle electromyography include a combination of auditory pattern recognition and semi-quantitation, which require time and diligence to acquire.  Successful, high quality, reproducible EMG depends on the skills of a practiced clinician in assessing clinical problems, combined with the unique art and skills of the expert electromyographer in analysis of the electrical signals recorded from muscle. In order to accurately interpret any electrodiagnostic study, the electromyographer must be able to recognize a variety of types of normal and abnormal waveforms. The EMG training across the country varies widely, and the exposure to the different types of EMG waveforms, especially rarely encountered or uncommon waveforms, also varies. There are a number of educational programs that assist in recognizing various EMG waveform abnormalities.

The "Rapid EMG Waveform Tester" is a NEW, UNIQUE web- or tablet-based, interactive educational program used to RAPIDLY test one's ability to recognize a large number (500),wide variety of EMG waveforms.   The program is simple to use: there are 10 sections, each with 50 unknown waveforms. The user plays the video of an individual waveform and manually enters the name or description of the waveform.  After interpreting the waveform, the correct answer is immediately shown, providing the user immediate assessment and feedback.  The waveforms in each section are random with normal and abnormal, spontaneous and voluntary MUPs interspersed with each other.

This program is unique and differs from other EMG waveform recognition training tools by being able to rapidly test recognition of a large number (500 unique waveforms) and large variety of examples of various waveforms. The goal of the program is to provide trainees and physicians learning and performing EMG with a rapid, efficient method of testing their recognition of EMG waveforms.  The program can be used as a stand-alone program, but may complement other EMG waveform recognition program ("EMG Waveform Trainer", "EMG Waveform Tester", "MUP Recruitment Trainer").

Mobile and tablet-friendly.  This is an online product. When using a personal computer to view, we recommend using Chrome as your internet browser.  The product may not work in Internet Explorer (IE). 

The AANEM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

No one in control of content had conflicts to disclose.

The AANEM designates this enduring material for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Dr. Devon I. Rubin
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Jul 15, 2027
Cost: Member: $50.00
Non-Member: $100.00
Credit Offered:
6 CME Credits

2621 Superior Drive NW
Rochester, MN

P 507.288.0100

F 507.288.1225


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