AbstractPeripheral nerve injury is common and can have devastating consequences. In severe cases, functional recovery is often poor despite surgery. This is primarily due to the exceedingly slow rate of nerve regeneration at only 1–3 mm/day. The local environment in the distal nerve stump supportive of nerve regrowth deteriorates over time and the target end organs become atrophic. To overcome these challenges, investigations into treatments capable of accelerating nerve regrowth are of great clinical relevance and are an active area of research. One intervention that has shown great promise is perioperative electrical stimulation. Postoperative stimulation helps to expedite the Wallerian degeneration process and reduces delays caused by staggered regeneration at the site of nerve injury. By contrast, preoperative “conditioning” stimulation increases the rate of nerve regrowth along the nerve trunk. Over the past two decades, a rich body of literature has emerged that provides molecular insights into the mechanism by which electrical stimulation impacts nerve regeneration. The end result is upregulation of regeneration-associated genes in the neuronal body and accelerated transport to the axon front for regrowth. The efficacy of brief electrical stimulation on patients with peripheral nerve injuries was demonstrated in a number of randomized controlled trials on compressive, transection and traction injuries. As approved equipment to deliver this treatment is becoming available, it may be feasible to deploy this novel treatment in a wide range of clinical settings.
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