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Podcast: Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome

9/30/2020-  Dr. Sandra Hearn interviews Dr. Darryl Sneag, Dr. Scott Wolfe, and Dr. Joseph Feinberg about their work in advancing our understanding of anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, based on their article: Sneag DB, Arányi Z, Zusstone EM, Feinberg JH, Queler SC, Nwawka OK, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Fascicular constrictions above elbow typify anterior interosseous nerve syndrome. Muscle & Nerve. 2020 Mar;61(3):301-10. The authors describe how severe anterior interosseous nerve syndrome (AINS) reveals fascicular constrictions of the AIN fascicles within the median nerve, typically localizing proximal to the elbow. The findings support an evolving understanding that many idiopathic mononeuropathies may arise from inflammatory (rather that compressive/entrapment) etiologies.     49 minutes

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