Self-Assessment: Anatomy
Self-Assessment: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
Self-Assessment: CIDP
Self-Assessment: Clinical Peripheral Neuropathy
Self-Assessment: Diagnostic Peripheral Neuropathy
Self-Assessment: Muscle Disease
Self-Assessment: Ultrasound
Self-Assessment: Pain in Neuromuscular Disease
Performance in Practice: Ulnar Neuropathy
Monograph: Integrative Neuromuscular Medicine: Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain: Consider the Alternatives
Monograph: Ultrasound‐guided Treatment of Peripheral Entrapment Mononeuropathies
Performance in Practice: Electrodiagnostic Report Writing
Performance in Practice: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Acute Facial Diplegia
Case Study: Botulism in Adults
Basics With the Experts
Upper Extremity Focal Neuropathies
The Principles of NCS and Needle EMG - 2013
Acquired Neuromuscular Weakness in Critical Illness
Neuromuscular Therapeutics
A Basic Approach to Common Upper Extremity Mononeuropathies and Brachial Plexopathies
Fundamentals of Spine Care for the Non-Spine Physician
NM Update Course II: Mind the Gap! Between Theory and Practice
Neuromuscular Ultrasound in Action
EDX and NM Medicine: Looking to the Future as We Address Today's Challenges
Basics of Lower Extremity Clinical and Electrodiagnostic Evaluation
Introduction to Common Neuromuscular Disorders
NM Update I: Neuromuscular Disorder Mimics/ Neuromuscular Emergencies
Diagnosing Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies - Bedside Pearls, Rationale Use of Ancillary Testing
NM Update II: Adult Onset LGMD Syndromes - Antibody Related NM Disease
Applied Neuromuscular Ultrasound
Multidisciplinary Palliative Care of Neuromuscular Disorders
Interactive Product: EMG Recruitment Trainer
Interactive Product: EMG Waveform Tester
Interactive Product: EMG Waveform Trainer
AANEM Flashcard Set - NCS and Anatomy
Interactive Product: Muscle and Anatomy Localization for Needle EMG
Ethics Vignettes I-III: Physician-Patient Relationship; Conflicts of Interest; Informed Consent
Ethics Vignette IV: When a Patient Refuses Treatment
Ethics Vignette V: Technologist and Patient Communications
Ethics Vignette VI: Health Care Surrogates
Ethics Vignette VII: Veterans with ALS
Ethics Vignette VIII: Residents in an EMG Lab / Electrodiagnostic Consultation
Ethics Vignette IX: Scope of an EDX Physician in Patient Care
Ethics Vignette X: Oral Advance Directives
Ethics Vignette XI: The Technologist’s Role in Ensuring Patients Receive Proper EDX Testing
Ethics Vignette XII: Ethical Treatment of ALS Patients
Ethics Vignette XIII: Deception and Non-Disclosure
Ethics Vignette XIV: Refusal to Care for Patients
Ethics Vignette XV: Ethical Issues in Managing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Ethics Vignette XVI: Bad Patient Experience vs. Good Patient Experience
Ethics Vignette XVII: Questionable Electrodiagnostic Referral
Ethics Vignette XVIII: Conflict of Interest
Ethics Vignette XIX: Maintaining Professionalism: Condescending Physician in the EDX Lab
Ethics Vignette XX: Hostility in the Workplace
Alcohol-Related Peripheral Neuropathy: Nutritional,Toxic, or Both?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Palliative Care: Where We Are, and the Road Ahead
Neuromuscular Ultrasound in Common Entrapment Neuropathies
Checkpoint: Median Nerve and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Checkpoint: Basic Nerve Conduction Studies
Nerve Conduction Studies – Questions for Exam Preparation
Interactive Product: EMG Interactive Training Tool Bundle- 3 Product Bundle
Interactive Product: Real EMG Bundle A
Interactive Product: Real EMG Bundle B
2012-2014 Neuromuscular Self-Assessment Exam Bundle - Download
Brochure: What to Expect During an EMG Brochure Template for Printing
Brochure: What to Expect During an EMG Brochure (Spanish) Template for Printing
Video: What to Expect During Nerve Conduction Study and EMG Test
2019 Annual Meeting Workshop E-Bundle
Brochure: Refer Your Patients to a Trained Electrodiagnostic Physician Brochure for Printing
Book: Principles of Clinical Electromyography Case Studies
Self-Assessment Examination: 2020 Neuromuscular Medicine Examination
Book: Single Fiber EMG, 3rd Edition
Book: Focal Peripheral Neuropathies - 4th Edition
Book: EMG: What We Measure and What it Means
mskNAV Full Musculoskeletal Body Package presented by 7Dimaging
Teachable Moment: Spike Form Fibrillation Potentials and Positive Sharp Waves
Teachable Moment: Fibrillation Potentials and Regular Firing Pattern
Teachable Moment: SFEMG Normal Jitter
Teachable Moment: Electrodiagnostic Findings of True Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Teachable Moment: Examination of the Anterior Interosseous Nerve
Teachable Moment: SFEMG Increased Jitter with Blocking
Interactive Product: The Basics of NCS and EMG Coding
Checkpoint: Upper Extremity NCS
Checkpoint: Tip of the Iceberg: When NCS Suggests Other Pathology
Nandedkar Institutional Subscription Online Streaming : EMG/NCS and Essential EDX Series - All 15 Volumes- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
Nandedkar Institutional Subscription Online Streaming : EMG/NCS and Essential EDX Series - All 15 Volumes- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume I: Electronic Myoanatomic Atlas for Clinical Electromyography ( 2nd Edition )- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume I: Electronic Myoanatomic Atlas for Clinical Electromyography ( 2nd Edition )- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume II: Electronic Atlas of Electromyographic Waveforms ( 2nd Edition )- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume II: Electronic Atlas of Electromyographic Waveforms ( 2nd Edition )- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume III: Sensory Nerve Conduction Studies (2nd Edition) - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume III: Sensory Nerve Conduction Studies (2nd Edition) - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume IV: Motor NCS and Late Responses - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume IV: Motor NCS and Late Responses - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume V: Basic Nerve Conduction Studies- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume V: Basic Nerve Conduction Studies- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VI: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Foot - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VI: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Foot - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VII: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Ulnar Neuropathy- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VII: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Ulnar Neuropathy- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VIII: Uncommon Nerve Conduction Studies- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume VIII: Uncommon Nerve Conduction Studies- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume IX: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume IX: Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume X: Single Fiber Electromyography- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume X: Single Fiber Electromyography- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XI: Basic Evoked Potentials - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XI: Basic Evoked Potentials - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XII: Repetitive Nerve Stimulation- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XII: Repetitive Nerve Stimulation- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XIII: Practical Neurologic Examination- 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume XIII: Practical Neurologic Examination- 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
Essential EDX Series: Volume 1 - Instrumentation Principles and Practice - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
Essential EDX Series: Volume 1 - Instrumentation Principles and Practice - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
Essential EDX Series: Volume 2 - Insertional and Spontaneous Activity - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
Essential EDX Series: Volume 2 - Insertional and Spontaneous Activity - 5 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION
AANEM Branded Face Masks (3 pack)
Teachable Moment: Martin-Gruber Anastomosis
2013-2017 EDX SAE Bundle- Download
2022 Spring Virtual Conference Collection
Invited Review: Managing uncommon and unexpected findings during neuromuscular ultrasound
Interactive Product: Rapid EMG Waveform Tester
2021 Neuromuscular Self-Assessment Examination
2021 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
2021 Workshop Handout Bundle
Interactive Product: EMG Interactive Training Tool Bundle- 4 Product Bundle
2017 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
2018 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
Interactive Product: Nerve Conduction Study Trainer
Self-Assessment: Back Pain
Monograph: Normative Data in Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Invited Review: The impact of genotype on outcomes in individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A systematic review
AANEM Practice Topic: Guidelines for ethical behavior relating to clinical practice issues in neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic medicine
Invited Review: Hereditary myopathies associated with hematological abnormalities
2016 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment
Invited Review: Management of Spinal Muscular Atrophy in the Adult Population
Checkpoint: Evaluation of Common Problems in Persons Referred for EDX
2022 Neuromuscular Self-Assessment Examination
2022 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
Advanced Practice Providers: Gait Examination
Invited Review: Utilization of MG-ADL in myasthenia gravis clinical research and care
Advanced Practice Providers: Motor Examination
Advanced Practice Providers: Cranial Nerve Examination
Advanced Practice Providers: Sensory Modalities and Reflex Testing
Advanced Practice Providers: How to Read an EMG Report
Monograph: Musculoskeletal mimics of cervical radiculopathy
Monograph: Single fiber electromyography and measuring jitter with concentric needle electrodes
2022 Annual Meeting Video Collection
Monograph: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mimics
2022 Workshop Handout Bundle
Self-Assessment: Brachial Plexopathy
Invited Review: Sensory nerve regeneration and reinnervation in muscle following peripheral nerve injury
Teachable Moment: Median Nerve Ultrasound
Teachable Moment: Ulnar Nerve Ultrasound
Self-Assessment: Basic NCS and Needle EMG Parts 1 and 2
Self-Assessment: Designing EMG for Nerve Surgery and Recent Advances of Nerve Surgery
Self-Assessment: NM Sports Medicine and the Running Athlete
Self-Assessment: Clinical Approach to MG and Autoantibodies and the Evolving MG Landscape
Invited Review: The Notch signaling pathway in skeletal muscle health and disease
Checkpoint: Basic NCS Physiology
Checkpoint: Planning Nerve Conduction Studies
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Conducting a Neuromuscular Examination
Invited Review: Appetite and quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A scoping review
Monograph: Traumatic injury to peripheral nerves
Quality and Patient Safety Articles
What a PM&R Physician Needs to Know About Considering a Career in NM or EDX Medicine- Recorded Webinar
Invited Review: A standardized ultrasound approach in neuralgic amyotrophy
Invited Review: Peripheral neuropathies associated with DNA repair disorders
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 1: Drs. Robinson & Litchy: EDX Approach to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Teachable Moment: Complex Repetitive Discharges
Teachable Moment: Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Interpretation
Invited Review: Granulomatous myopathy: Sarcoidosis and beyond
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 2: Dr. Andary: EDX Approach to Radiculopathy
The Other Side of the Fence: Tips on Conducting Peer Reviews for Biomedical Journals- Recorded Webinar
Invited Review: Expanding the genetic causes of small-fiber neuropathy: SCN genes and beyond
Monograph: Spasticity evaluation and management tools
Teachable Moment: Gait Analysis 1
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 3: Holli Horak: How to Approach Suspected Ulnar Neuropathy in the EMG Lab
Glossary of Terms
Teachable Moment: Gait Analysis 2
Invited Review: Pulmonary care for ALS: Progress, gaps, and paths forward
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 4: Andrea Boon: EDX and NMUS Approaches to Patient with Dyspnea
2023 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
News Science Anthology
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 5: John Kincaid: A Patient with Bilateral Foot Numbness
Invited Review: Myasthenic crisis
Podcast: Complement and Neonatal Fc receptor inhibitors in myasthenia gravis, highlighting CHAMPION MG (ravulizumab) and ADAPT (efgartigimod) trials
Podcast: Musculoskeletal Mimics of Cervical Radiculopathy
Podcast: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and its Management
Podcast: Diagnostic Utility of Gold Coast Criteria in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Podcast: European Academy of Neurology/Peripheral Nerve Society Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy: Report of a Joint Task Force—Second Revision
Podcast: Neuromuscular complications of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders
Podcast: Evaluation of Persons With Suspected Lumbosacral and Cervical Radiculopathy
Podcast: Clinical features of LRP4/agrin-antibody–positive Myasthenia Gravis
Podcast: Approach to Dysphagia With Focus on Neuromuscular Disorders
Podcast: Porphyric Neuropathy Part II
Podcast: Porphyric Neuropathy Part I
Podcast: COVID-19-Associated Guillain-Barre Syndrome: The Early Pandemic Experience
Podcast: Autonomic Neuropathies
Podcast: Guidelines on clinical presentation and management of nondystrophic myotonias
Podcast: ALS Treatment Landscape
Podcast: Role of Electrodiagnosis in Nerve Transfers for Focal Neuropathies and Brachial Plexopathies
Podcast: COVID-19 and neuromuscular disorders
Podcast: Electrodiagnostic approach to patients presenting with respiratory symptoms
Podcast: Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome
Podcast: Rehabilitative approach to ALS patients - Discussion highlighting eye-controlled, power wheelchairs for ALS patients
Podcast: Immunomodulatory and Immunosuppressive Therapy for Neuromuscular Disorders Part II
Podcast: Immunomodulatory and Immunosuppressive Therapy for Neuromuscular Disorders Part I
Podcast: Nutritional Neuropathies
Podcast: Quality improvement projects in the EMG laboratory
Podcast: Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Monograph: Respiratory considerations in patients with neuromuscular disorders
2023 Workshop Handout Bundle
Podcast: Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
2023 Neuromuscular Self-Assessment Examination
Podcast: Ultrasound-Guided Treatment of Peripheral Entrapment Neuropathies
Podcast: Effect of shoulder and elbow position on ulnar nerve conduction
Podcast: Thymectomy may not be associated with clinical improvement in MuSK myasthenia gravis
Podcast: Satisfactory Response With Achieving Maintenance Low-Dose Prednisone in Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Podcast: Clinical and Electrodiagnostic Features Of Nontraumatic Sciatic Neuropathy
Podcast: Needle Electromyography and Histopathologic Correlation in Myopathies
Podcast: Muscle Biopsy EMG Correlation
Podcast: Long‐term neuromuscular outcomes of west nile virus infection: A clinical and electromyographic evaluation of patients with a history of infection
Podcast: Electrodiagnostic Errors Contribute to Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Misdiagnosis
Podcast: Amyloid TTR treatment studies
Podcast: Subcutaneous versus intravenous immunoglobulin for chronic autoimmune neuropathies. A meta-analysis
Podcast: Complex and simple clinical reaction times are associated with gait, balance, and major fall injury in older subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Podcast: Acute Nutritional Axonal Neuropathy
Podcast: Hereditary Myopathies With Early Respiratory Insufficiency in Adults
Podcast: The thoracic outlet syndromes: Part 1 and 2. The arterial, venous, neurovascular, and disputed thoracic outlet syndromes
Podcast: Evaluation of patients with refractory chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Podcast: International consensus guidance for management of myasthenia gravis: Executive summary
Podcast: Optimizing muscle selection for electromyography in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Podcast: Transthyretin amyloid neuropathy has earlier neural involvement but better prognosis than primary
Podcast: Association of inclusion body myositis with T cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia
Podcast: POEMS vs. CIDP
Podcast: Gene editing in monogenic diseases with CRISPR. Interview with Eric Olson, PhD
Podcast: Presymptomatic ALS genetic counseling and testing: Experience and recommendations
Podcast: Randomized Trial of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis
Podcast: Normative Data Task Force: Establishing High-Quality Reference Values for NCS
Podcast: Rapid screening for inflammatory neuropathies by standardized clinical criteria
Podcast: Sensory Neuronopathies
Podcast: Critically re-evaluating a common technique: Accuracy, reliability, and confirmation bias of EMG
Podcast: Inherited Etiologies of Rhabdomyolysis
Podcast: Pharmacotherapy for Neuropathic Pain in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Podcast: Clinical Presentation and Acquired Causes of Rhabdomyolysis
Podcast: Patterns of Clinical and EDX Abnormalities in early ALS
Podcast: NCS Technique for Ulnar Neuropathy
Podcast: Whole Exome Sequencing
Podcast: Next Generation Sequencing and its Impact on Neuromuscular Medicine
Podcast: Muscle intrusion as a potential cause of carpal tunnel syndrome
Podcast: Pathokinesiology of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Podcast: Clinical Value of Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity Determination
Podcast: Electrodiagnosis of Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow (Une): a Bayesian Approach
Podcast: Myotonic Dystrophy Health Index: Initial Evaluation of a Disease-Specific Outcome Measure
Podcast: Vasculitic Neuropathies
Podcast: Improving Referring Physicians' Understanding of EMG Reports When Qualifying Radiculopathies
Podcast: Spinal muscular atrophy: development and implementation of potential treatments
Podcast: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and palliative care: Where we are, and the road ahead
Podcast: Myasthenia Gravis and the use of IVIg and Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Podcast: Inherited Neuropathies: Clinical Overview and Update
Podcast: Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A autoimmunity in sporadic inclusion body myositis
Podcast: Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve
Podcast: Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Ulnar Nerve and Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Podcast: Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Median Nerve and Median Neuropathy at the Wrist
Podcast: Paraneoplastic Neuromuscular Disorders
Podcast: Diabetic cervical radiculoplexus neuropathy: a distinct syndrome expanding the spectrum of diabetic radiculoplexus neuropathies
Podcast: Chronic pain as a manifestation of potassium channel-complex autoimmunity
Podcast: Diagnosis of the Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophies
Podcast: The Thoracic Outlet Syndromes
Podcast: The Distal Hereditary Motor Neuropathies
Podcast: Myokymic and Neuromyotonic Discharges
Podcast: Evidence Based Guideline on Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
Podcast: Cardiomyopathies in Muscular Dystrophies
Podcast: Treatment-induced diabetic neuropathy: a reversible painful autonomic neuropathy
Podcast: ALS may be caused by impaired protein recycling and degradation
Podcast: Good Nutritional Control May Prevent Polyneuropathy After Bariatric Surgery
Podcast: A randomized study of alglucosidase alfa in late-onset Pompe's disease
Podcast: Post-surgical Inflammatory Neuropathy
Podcast: Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Podcast: Pharmacokinetics of IVIg and outcome in GBS
Podcast: A Practical Approach to the Metabolic Myopathies; Diagnosis and treatment: Glycogen Storage Myopathy
Podcast: Practical Approach to the Metabolic Myopathies; Diagnosis and Treatment-FAOD and Mitochondrial Myopathies
Podcast: Genetics, Pathology, and Treatment of Nondystrophic Myotonias
Podcast: Nondystrophic Myotonias
Podcast: Pulsed High-dose Dexamethasone Versus Standard Prednisolone Treatment for CIDP (PREDICT study): a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial
Podcast: Influenza vaccine safety for patients with myasthenia gravis
Podcast: Toxic, Including Statin, Myopathies
Podcast: A Discussion about the Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy Practice Guidelines
Podcast: Ascorbic Acid for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Podcast: Abnormal EMG Findings During Muscle Activation
Podcast: Abnormal Needle EMG Findings with the Muscle at Rest
Podcast: Needle Electromyography
Podcast: Needlestick Injuries Among Electromyographers
Podcast: Pediatric Electromyography
Podcast: Myofibrillar Myopathies
Podcast: Lessons Learned in Single Fiber EMG
Podcast: Early Days of Single Fiber EMG
Podcast: Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Podcast: Histopathology of Neuropathy
Podcast: Lifetime Course in Myasthenia Gravis
Podcast: Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and Myopathy
Podcast: Sacral Plexopathies
Podcast: Pathokinesiology of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Podcast: Autosomal-Recessive and X-linked Forms of Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy in Childhood
Podcast: The Therapy of Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes
Podcast: Safety of Nerve Conduction Studies in Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
Podcast: Chronic Inflammatory Polyradiculoneuropathy
Podcast: Electromyographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Predict Lumbar Stenosis, Low-back Pain, and No Back Symptoms
Podcast: An Unusual Variant of Acute Idiopathic Polyneuritis
Podcast: The Influence of the Reference Electrode on CMAP Configuration
Podcast: Uremic Neuropathy: Clinical Features and New Pathophysiologic Insights
Podcast: Experimental Allergic Neuritis
Podcast: Sporadic Onset of Erythermalgia
Podcast: Peripheral Neuropathy in Krabbe Disease
Podcast: Radiculopathy and the Herniated Lumbar Disc
Podcast: Sural Neuropathy: Etiologies and Predisposing Factors
Podcast: Is Exercise Necessary with Repetitive Nerve Stimulation in Evaluating Patients with Suspected Myasthenia Gravis
Podcast: Myelin Protein Zero Mutation His39Pro
Podcast: Interferon-Alpha Beta-Mediated Innate Immune Mechanisms in Dermatomyositis
Podcast: Electrophysiological Findings in a Cohort of Old Polio Survivors
Podcast: Clinical Value of Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity Determination by Ernest W. Johnson, MD - 2006
Podcast: Diabetic and Nondiabetic Lumbosacral Radiculoplexus Neuropathies
Podcast: The Natural History of Primary Lateral Sclerosis
Podcast: Axillary Pain as a Heralding Sign of Neoplasm Involving the Upper Thoracic Root
Intro to PM&R - Neuromuscular and EDX Medicine
Peripheral Nerve Sonography: Introductory Ultrasound and EMG Concepts
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Brachial Plexus
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Neck and Shoulder Nerves
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Radial Nerve
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Median Nerve
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Ulnar Nerve
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Nerves About the Hip and Thigh
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Fibular Nerve
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Tibial Nerve
Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of Other Nerves About the Leg, Foot and Ankle
Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Procedures
Invited Review: Needs of persons living with ALS at home and their family caregivers: A scoping review
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Diagnosis and management of metabolic myopathies
Checkpoint: Adult Brachial Plexus
Checkpoint: Pediatric Brachial Plexus
Checkpoint: The Good, Bad, and Ugly: Planning NCS With Case Studies
Checkpoint: Everything You Wanted to Know About Nerves, but Were Afraid to Ask
Podcast: Respiratory considerations in patients with neuromuscular disorders
2023 Annual Meeting Video Collection
Self-Assessment: Genetic Neuromuscular Diseases: Diagnosis and Multidisciplinary Management
Invited Review: Persistent post-COVID-19 neuromuscular symptoms
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 6: Bob Irwin: Scapular Winging
Lessons from the Lab: Episode7: EMG Discussion with Dr. Erik Stalberg
Teachable Moment: Gait Analysis 3
Teachable Moment: Inclusion Body Myositis
Teachable Moment: Diaphragm EDX and Ultrasound
Teachable Moment: Myokymia
2019 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
2020 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
Invited Review: Primary perineuritis, a rare but treatable neuropathy: Review of perineurial anatomy, clinicopathological features, and differential diagnosis
Expert Clinical Perspectives: The neuromuscular evaluation of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
Podcast: The Treatment Landscape of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, highlighting Elevidys, the newly approved recombinant gene therapy.
Self-Assessment: Novel Therapeutic Approaches for ALS: From Bench to Bedside | Selected Topics on MG
Self-Assessment: NM Complications of Cancer Care | Cardiac & Pulmonary Manifestations of NMDs
Self-Assessment: Toxic Myopathies & Neuropathies | Advances in Duchenne Treatment & Management
Self-Assessment: Neuromodulation in Pain Management | Lifestyle Medicine for Common Conditions Encountered in the EDX Laboratory
Monograph: Electrodiagnostic and ultrasound evaluation of respiratory weakness
Invited Review: Anti–myelin-associated glycoprotein neuropathy: Where do we stand?
Monograph: Volume conduction: Extracellular waveform generation in theory and practice
Invited Review: The lived experience of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: A systematic review and synthesis of the qualitative literature
Invited Review: The role of artificial intelligence in electrodiagnostic and neuromuscular medicine: Current state and future directions
Invited Review: Neuromuscular implants: Interfacing with skeletal muscle for improved clinical translation of prosthetic limbs
Podcast: Diagnosis and Management of Metabolic Myopathies
Expert Clinical Perspectives: How should newer therapeutic agents be incorporated into the treatment of patients with myasthenia gravis?
Lessons from the Lab: Episode 8: Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Motor Neuron Disease
Monograph: Sports-related peripheral nerve injuries of the upper limb
Advanced Practice Providers : Peripheral Anatomy From Root to Muscle
Advanced Practice Providers: Therapeutic landscape & Novel Therapies for Myasthenia Gravis
Advanced Practice Providers: ALS Therapeutics: New Treatments & New Approaches
Advanced Practice Providers: Inflammatory Myopathies: From A to Z
Advanced Practice Providers: Respiratory Management in Neuromuscular Disease
Advanced Practice Providers: Exercise Science for the Neuromuscular Clinician: A Physiatrist's Approach
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Patterns and assessment of spastic hemiplegic gait
Invited Review: Electrodiagnostic studies and new diagnostic modalities for evaluation of peripheral nerve disorders
Invited Review: Botulinum Toxin Injections for the Treatment of Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome A Systematic Review
Invited Review: Neuromuscular consequences of spinal cord injury: New mechanistic insights and clinical considerations
Monograph: Serial electrodiagnostic testing: Utility and indications in adult neurological disorders
Teachable Moment: Electrodiagnostic Features of Demyelinating Neuropathies
Invited Review: Occupational nerve injuries
Invited Review: Musculoskeletal mimics of lumbosacral radiculopathy
Lessons From the Lab : Episode 9 : Subacute Lower Extremity Weakness
Lessons From the Lab: Episode 10 : Electrodiagnostic Assessment of Polyneuropathy
Lessons From the Lab - LIVE Webinar Recording (March 2024)
Lessons From the Lab - Episode 11 - Peripheral Neuropathy
Lessons From the Lab - Episode 12 - Navigating EDX with Drs. Rubin and Cartwright
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Management of immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
Myasthenia Gravis Paper- Dr. F. Jolly - 1895
Monograph: The Early Development of Electromyography
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Paraproteinemic neuropathies
Invited Review: Combat-related peripheral nerve injuries
Invited Review: All hands on deck: The multidisciplinary rehabilitation assessment and management of hand function in persons with NM disorders
Self-Assessment: Pediatric Neuromuscular Conditions
Podcast: A Discussion of Three Challenging Electrodiagnostic Cases
Podcast: Role of AI in NM and EDX Medicine
Podcast: Comparison of Muscle Ultrasound and Needle Electromyography Findings in Neuromuscular Disorders
Podcast: Career Phenotypes Part 1 - Perspectives from Clinician Educators in Academic Practice
Podcast: Career Phenotypes Part 2 - Perspective from a Clinician Researcher
Podcast: Career Phenotypes Part 3 - Perspectives from Neuromuscular Providers on Subspecialty Selection
Teachable Moment - Hereditary and Acquired Neuropathies With Demyelinating Features
Teachable Moment - Meralgia Paresthetica
Invited Review: Assessment, management, and rehabilitation of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries for non-surgeons
Lessons From the Lab - Episode 13 - Clinical, EDX, and Practical Approaches for Progressive Weakness
Teachable Moment- Paramyotonia Congentia
Lessons From the Lab - Episode 14 - Approach to a Patient With Weakness
Invited Review: Utility of laryngeal EMG for establishing prognosis and individualized treatment after laryngeal neuropathies
Invited Review: Approach to Gait Disorders and Orthotic Management in Adult Onset Neuromuscular Diseases
2024 Electrodiagnostic Self-Assessment Examination
2024 Neuromuscular Self-Assessment Examination
Podcast: Career Phenotypes Part 4 - Perspective from a Clinician in Private Practice
Podcast: Fraud and Abuse
Teachable Moment - Pearls & Pitfalls of NCS - Pt. 1
Podcast: Promoting Quality EDX in Legislation
Podcast: AANEM EDX Lab Accreditation
2024 Workshop Handout Bundle
2024 Annual Meeting Video Collection
Checkpoint: Clarifying Concepts in NCS: Instrumentation, Troubleshooting and Neuroanatomy
Self-Assessment: Muscle US: Quantitative Assessment & Patterns of Muscle Involvement | Gait Analysis & Orthotics for NMDs
Self-Assessment: Immune Mediated Peripheral Neuropathies | Paradigm Clashes: Debate & Exploration in Choosing Traditional vs Novel Immunotherapeutics for MG
Self-Assessment: Add-on Therapy for SMA | Navigating Through the Available Therapies for Duchenne: How Do You Choose?
Teachable Moment - Pearls & Pitfalls of NCS - Pt. 2
Invited Review: Peripheral nerve injuries in the performing artist
Invited Review: Nutrition outcomes of disease modifying therapies in spinal muscular atrophy: A systematic review
Invited Review: Outcome measures used in peripheral nerve surgery for symptomatic neuroma in upper extremity amputations: A scoping review
Optimizing the Role of APPs in NM Practice
Pediatric EMG Cases
NMUS in Children
Small Nerve Fiber Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents
RNS Simplified for the EDX Lab Technologists, Residents, Fellows, and APPs
Navigating Through the Available Therapies for Duchenne: How Do You Choose?
Unicorns and Zebras: Unusual Pediatric NM Cases
Add-On Therapy for SMA
Clinical Trials Round Up/Research Updates
Update on Pediatric NMJ Disorders
Checkpoint: Planning NCS: Case Studies
Checkpoint: Basic NCS Physiology & Annomalous Innervations
Lessons From the Lab - LIVE 2 Webinar Recording (August 2024)
Podcast: Acquired hyperexcitable peripheral nerve disorders: Clinical and laboratory features, therapeutic responses, and long-term follow-up
Invited Review: Magnetic resonance neurography in the diagnosis of neurological subtypes of thoracic outlet syndrome
Expert Clinical Perspectives: Evaluation and management of dyspnea as the dominant presenting feature in neuromuscular disorders
Podcast: Clinical and Neurophysiological Recovery of Ulnar Nerve Conduction Block at the Elbow
Teachable Moment- Facilitation in LEMS
Invited Review: The use of electrical stimulation to enhance recovery following peripheral nerve injury
Invited Review: The spectrum of rippling muscle disease
Invited Review: Neuralgic amyotrophy: An update in evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment approaches
Invited Review: Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies: A scoping review and overview of currently available rehab strategies
Invited Review: A neuromuscular clinician's guide to magnetic resonance neurography
Monograph: Musculoskeletal mimics for lumbosacral radiculopathy Part 1: Theoretical considerations
Monograph: Musculoskeletal mimics for lumbosacral radiculopathy Part 2
Invited Review: An overview of the non-procedural treatment options for peripheral neuropathic pain
Invited Review: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis represents corticomotoneuronal system failure
Podcast: Advances in the Therapeutic Landscape of Anti-MAG Neuropathy
Podcast: Paraproteinemic Neuropathies
Invited Review: Common sports-related nerve injuries seen by the electrodiagnostic medical consultant
Podcast: CIDP in Focus: Evolving Diagnosis, Treatment, and Future Directions - A Discussion with Global Experts
Podcast: Building Successful Clinical Trial Programs in NM Medicine: Insights from Private Practice Experts
Lessons from the Lab - Episode 15- A Patient With Poly Neuropathy & Ulnar Neuropathy
Lessons from the Lab - Episode 16- Patient With Trouble Raising Arm: More Than Rotator Cuff?
Podcast: Understanding the Safety Factor in Neuromuscular Junction Transmission: A Conversation with Dr. Kyle Mahoney
Podcast: The Evolving Role of Muscle and Nerve Biopsies in Neuromuscular Diagnosis: A Discussion with Experts
Pediatric Neuromuscular Course Bundle
Advanced Practice Provider Neuromuscular Course Bundle
Teachable Moment: Hereditary Neuromuscular Etiologies of Rhabdomyolysis
Podcast: A Discussion About the ADHERE Study: Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Subcutaneous Efgartigimod in Patients With CIDP
Invited Review: Surgical Strategies for Functional Upper Extremity Reconstruction After Spinal Cord Injury
Invited Review: Multifocal Motor Neuropathy: A Narrative Review
Invited Review: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, the Endocannabinoid System, and Exogenous Cannabinoids: Current State and Clinical Implications
Invited Review: Electrodiagnostic Assessment of Peri-Procedural Iatrogenic Peripheral Nerve Injuries and Rehabilitation
Invited Review: Update on Exercise in Persons With Muscle Disease
Teachable Moment: Parsonage-Turner Syndrome